Family Life

'Your life matters': Teen posts inspiring notes on bridge and saves six lives

Paige Hunter, an 18-year-old from Sunderland in the UK, had the innovative idea of penning uplifting notes on a bridge in the hope of making people think twice before jumping.

The teenager wrote over 40 notes before tying them to the railings of Wearmouth Bridge.

We are in awe at this beautiful gesture that the East Durham College student thought of. 

The messages included: ''even though things are difficult, your life matters; you’re a shining light in a dark world, so just hold on.''

Paige was gifted with a with a framed commendation certificate this week from the Northumbria Police.

Their Chief Superintendent Sarah Pitt explained, “we thought it was important to applaud the work Paige has been doing and the help she has given those in Sunderland who are going through a mental health crisis.”

“Paige has shown an incredible understanding of vulnerable people in need of support, and this is an innovative way to reach out to those in a dark place. She should be very proud of herself.”

According to BBC News, the sales assistant, who works at Poundworld, said: “I wasn't doing this for an award; it was just something that I wanted to do.”

“It’s just amazing, the response it has had. I’ve been told it’s already helped save six lives,” she continued. 

This is an example of the selflessness that is happening every day that perhaps we don't see and we really commend Paige for providing comfort for people at a time when it is needed most.

If anyone is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the Samaritans on  +44 20 7734 2800 or visit

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