Teen Years

You'll NEVER guess what these teenagers got up to in a Paris airport recently

When your flight gets delayed it’s hard not to sit with impatience.

And if you were looking after a group of teenagers, we’re sure you’d probably start crying once you saw the word splash across screens.

But if you were an instructor of a band would it really be that painful?

Well not if you were an instructor at Gluais anyhow.

Gluais is a band from Scoil Mhuire, Trim, Co Meath, which comprises of 48 musicians, singers and dancers ranging in age from small children to teenagers.

The group, who were in Paris representing Ireland in the Irish Disney Festival, is directed by their music teacher Mícheál Kerr, and when they got held up at an airport in Paris there was no tantrum throwing, just plain old fashioned fun.

The group made the most of their unexpected time, entertaining passengers waiting to board in the seating area of Charles de Gaulle.

They took to singing first, belting out some well known tunes such as You’ve Got A Friend In Me, before moving on to classic Irish songs.

And if that wasn’t enough they even treated fellow passengers to glimpses of their excellent Irish dancing skills.

Now this is something that is sure to pass the time, although we don't think people would enjoy our attempts as much!

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