Family Life

You have to watch this baby CPR video because you never know when you might need it

This needs to be shared with everyone.

As parents, our job is to make sure that our children are happy and safe at all times.

And while most of us know what to do if they fall and cut their leg or bump their head, many of us would be completely out of our depth if our baby stopped breathing.

In a bid to teach parents the basics of baby CPR, St. John Ambulance created this catchy and incredibly informative video.

And with the help of some very famous nursery rhyme characters, parents can learn just what to do in case of an emergency.

So what should you do? 

1. Call an ambulance

2. Place the baby on a flat surface and tilt their head back

3. Cover their mouth and nose with your mouth and give five small puffs of air

4. Place two fingers on their chest and pump 30 times

5. Repeat with 2 puffs and 30 pumps – keep doing this until the ambulance arrives

"We know that a major barrier to parents learning is that baby CPR frightens them, so we've removed the fear factor and made it reassuring and as easy as possible to learn," Sue Killen, chief executive of St John Ambulance, said.

"We hope the song will stick in everyone's heads. We're asking everyone to share the video so that all parents, grandparents and carers can learn what to do in those crucial minutes after a baby has stopped breathing."

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