Big Kids

Woman writes an emotional thank you to the mum who educated her children

Leah Carroll is mum to Malachi, a disabled young boy who uses a wheelchair.

Normally when she ventures out she receives stares and strange looks from passing children who don’t understand.

But one day, while sitting in a restaurant, one particular mum decided to not let her kids stare, instead taking a wonderful step.

The mum had three children in tow, each one asking questions about Malachi while passing.

Leah could sense the mum’s panic when her five-year-old son spotted Malachi in his wheelchair, screaming: “Mom look at THAT boy!”

Leah noticed the embarrassed mum lean forward and quietly inform her five-year old, and his three-year-old brother, that you don't say things like that and they should not point or stare.

However, kids are kids; the little boys couldn’t stop asking questions, curious to know more about Malachi.

Leah shared on Love What Matters: “When you realised your whispers weren't working I saw the panic disappear and you took a deep breath and took a step of courage.”

Mum brought her boys over to Malachi and Leah, saying to her young tots: “I bet he would like to know your names!”

Malachi was quite happy with the boys, grinning as they all spoke their names, happy to try to speak back to them.

Malachi’s mum said: “The joy on his face brought tears to my eyes – he loves kids his age but so many are fearful to come and speak to him.”

Instead of staying silent on the subject, the three boy’s mum brought them to speak with Malachi in an emotional moment for Leah.

“You took the time to educate your sons in that moment and help them understand that different is okay. Different is not something to fear. And that it was okay to ask questions!”

We should all take the time to educate our children too.

Such a wonderful story to share, and what a beautiful young boy Malachi is.

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