Family Life

Woman has a special cabinet full of food at work for the most heartwarming reason

We all know just how hard it is to concentrate when our stomachs are rumbling, and the same can be said for kids in the classroom.

However, while most of us have a packed lunch or even a homecooked meal to look forward to, this is not the reality for all kids.

And that is where this cupboard full of food comes in.

Katherine Gibson Howton, a teacher at Reynolds Learning Academy in Oregan, took to Facebook to share a picture of a classroom cabinet full of food – and the reason it is there will break your heart.

“We are your children's teachers. We know that we may have more time with your child than you do,” Katherine wrote.

“We don't want them to be hungry, and not just because a hungry child can't learn but because we care about them. Hungry feels scary.”

According to the post, many kids arrive to class hungry with some even too embarrassed to tell their teacher that they haven’t eaten anything all day.  

“Skilled and compassionate teachers learn to ask if there is food in the house and when was the last time you ate?” she continued.

“And the really skilled teachers just know when to make an extra sandwich, grab an orange, make a bag of popcorn or bowl of oatmeal, and set it in front of a student and tell them to eat.”

While it is truly heartbreaking that the teacher has have an emergency stash of food, it is also wonderful that she loves her kids enough to have one.

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