Mum gives birth to 4 babies in a year, and they're not quadruplets
A woman from Wales has given birth to four babies in an ELEVEN MONTH period, and they are NOT quadruplets.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Young mum Becky John gave birth to her daughter Mya in February, and fell pregnant again just one week later.
Much to Becky's surprise, she discovered that she was carrying triplets… which means that she would have four children under the age of one.
“I had to stare at the screen just to make sure for myself. And I counted the heartbeats one by one. It was true I was actually pregnant with triplets,” Becky told the New York Post.
Nine months later, Becky gave birth to her gorgeous triplets Ryan, Raya and Phoebe.
Despite the obvious stress that comes with having four babies under the age of one, Becky insists that "it’s lovely to think that Mya and the triplets will grow up so close in age.”
Good luck to this lovely family!
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