Family Life

Wife asks husband to water her plants after she dies... years later he makes a huge discovery

Trolling from the grave! 

Antonia Nicol lost her mum, Phedre Fitton, in 2013 following a cancer battle. Before she passed away, Phedre asked her husband to make sure he watered the plants in the bathroom, which he said he would. 

True to his word, Danny Wallace, watered those plants religiously, according to Antonia's tweet. In fact, the plants were thriving so much that when Danny was moving house he decided to take the plants with him. 

However, it was then that he made a pretty huge discovery: the plants were plastic! 

"Before my mum passed away, she gave my dad strict instructions to water the plants in the bathroom," Antonia wrote on Twitter. 

"He's been religiously watering them & keeping them alive. They look so amazing he decided to take them to his new home, only to discover they are plastic! Can hear my mum chuckling."

After telling her dad that he was currently going viral, he was so delighted with his story being shared that he reenacted himself watering the ferns!

What a brilliant story! 


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