Big Kids

Why you need to start saying yes to your child

Many of us are in the habit of saying no to our children much too often. Most of the time it’s for their own good, particularly when it comes to eating too many sweets, but sometimes it just slips out before we realise what we are saying.

However, it’s time to start saying yes and be a little more positive, and here’s why:family

Saying no can lose its meaning
If you are constantly saying no to your little one it will eventually start to lose its meaning. But that’s not all, over time they will begin to mimic you and you’ll start to notice that when you ask them to do something, their immediate response will be no.

Too many nos can cause rebellion
When kids are growing up they want to try new things. Unfortunately, a lot of these things might be perceived by us mums as not being a very good idea. However, if you put boundaries around everything your child wants to do they can start to rebel against you.

Saying yes creates positivity
If you say yes more often it shows your child that their demands are worth considering and that you are encouraging them to come to you with queries. While you don’t have to agree to everything your child wants to do, if they ask to do something like give the dog a bath, instead of immediately saying no just let them do it. Kids need to be kids.

How can you say yes even if you mean no?
However, saying yes more often doesn’t mean you should allow your child eat more sweets or to go outside after dark. In fact, it becomes more about how you phrase your words: “We will go back to the park tomorrow’ or ‘We’ll keep treats to just a Friday’. While you are technically saying no to them you are giving them something positive to work with.


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