Big Kids

Why Thai kids are sending elderly Irish people Christmas cards...

An Irish teacher living in Thailand has encouraged her students to send a little bit of festive magic half way across the world back to Ireland.  

Joelene Sweeney has been living in the south-east Asian country for almost five years.

And after kicking off the same initiative last year to great acclaim, she has once again enlisted her students to write Christmas cards to unknown elderly people who might be feeling lonely at this time of year. 

Speaking on RTE Radio’s, Morning Ireland this morning, the teacher said she was inspired by the touching story of retired Irish butler James Gray.

Joelene said, “People were sending him Christmas cards and Christmas Gifts. I thought this was an amazing idea.”

Living in London John had felt particularly lonely around Christmas and so put an ad in the Irish Post for someone to spend Christmas with him. James received over 1000 cards in response to the ad.

“I thought this was an amazing idea,” the teacher said.

“Last year I thought I’d give it a go and have my students write some Christmas Cards. It’s a learning experience for them as well. English isn’t their first language.”

The children aged 10 to 12 were understandably excited by the project and completed 90 cards this year, more than double what they completed last year.

The cards addressed to “'Dear Friend' or 'To my new friend'” were all sent with the children’s name and school address, but Ms Sweeney was keen to impress on the children not to expect too much as they were “elderly people” they were sending them to.

“Some people may not be able to reply”, the Donegal native said, “It’s just a nice gesture to read the card at Christmas time.”

The children have studied English with foreign teachers since kindergarten, and are well aware of Christmas traditions.

“They are usually getting excited for their annual Christmas party, but there is no party or celebration this year as Thailand is in mourning for their King who has recently died”, Joelene explained.

The thoughtful cards were then sent to Age Action – the charity for older people, to distribute to people needing support around Christmas time.

Age Ireland were thrilled to be part of the project.

The gesture will no doubt make Christmas for many elderly people around Ireland who may be feeling lonely at this time of year.


Image of James Gray, Credit: The Irish Post

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