Why one photo of a mum and baby will always be her favourite is beautiful
Mums love to think, we probably spend way too much time thinking and worrying over things which may never happen.
However, when Leslie Means got up with her toddler in the middle of the night, she had plenty of time to think about the fact he won't be so little for very long.
This is something which is inevitable in motherhood – eventually the kids grow up.
She imagined his first day of school, his graduation, first day of college and even his wedding.
She imagined the future.
But there was something about the here and now which struck her as being odd.
"When it's just me and my guy, when his tummy is full and his head is resting on my chest and his little bum is sticking in the air and his squishy little body is shoved into hand-me-down Christmas jammies – this moment is one of my favourites in this parenting gig."
Leslie is aware that during this moment she is tired, smelling of sour milk and poop, but has concluded that these are the moments she wants to preserve, as there is something raw about them.
"These sweet pockets of time are so incredibly precious."
It was during that moment the mum had a lightbulb moment; she thought about preserving the moment forever.
"So I risked a bright flash waking my baby boy and snapped a pic of the two of us," writes the mum-of-three.
"I thought about how soon he won't fit into these old jammies and how I won't be able to hold him because he'll be too big, so I took a few more photos for good measure."
And it was at that moment the mum had suddenly wanted some chocolate because she was sad; sad her little tot wouldn't always be that small.
But full of happiness she will always have that photo of her favourite moment of parenting.
Take the photos mums, you'll never regret the ones you have.
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