‘NO!’ - and 7 other things every busy woman needs to practice
We all have our goals in life. And that’s a great thing.
From building successful careers, and creating financial security for our families, to striving to look good and feel healthy – it’s important to be focused.
However, when there is always something or other ‘to do’ next, it’s no wonder we’re exhausted a lot of the time.
Because so many women put pressure on themselves from an early age: exams, college, meeting someone, saving for the big wedding, buying a home, trying for children, looking after children… we know we can’t be Wonder Woman, but we sure do try.
In fact, it’s no surprise that looking after ourselves slips down our list of priorities pretty fast: in fact, four out of five women who are burning out say not having enough time is the primary reason.
Still, there are easy ways to look after yourself.
Here, in an exclusive guide for MagicMum, Caroline Maria Meade offers her expertise.
A life coach and holistic practitioner, she has close-to a decade of experience working with women globally. She understands the pressures we all experience, and works to help people live happier and more peaceful lives.
Her eight invaluable tips for increased happiness are:
1.Get clear on how you are feeling
All too often when we are busy we don’t have time to acknowledge how we are feeling.
If we are ignoring our emotions they can manifest in different ways through our stress and through our physical bodies.
Each morning and each night take just five minutes, even while brushing your teeth, to check in and ask” “How do I really feel?” When we acknowledge our emotions, particularly our negatives one, it is a great process because we tap into what is wrong in our lives.
2. Set positive intentions
Every morning when I am in the shower I set a positive intention for the day.
I visualise how I would like my day to go and while I am doing this I find that this positive energy grounds me and sets me up for the day ahead. It also allows me to focus in on what good things I would like to happen.
3. Get moving
Exercise is a wonderful way of releasing endorphins and also distressing.
You may not have time to go for long walks or go to the gym, so add exercise to your day.
Take the stairs, get off the bus a few stops earlier, bring the kids out for a walk or to the playground and you can get exercise running after them. Oh, and housework is also great exercise! If you have the time for the gym, to join an exercise class or do even a 30 minute walk a day, you will feel wonderful.
4. Practice mindfulness and meditation
Bring the art of mindfulness into your day very easily and simply.
My favourite mindfulness exercise can be done anywhere, at any time and no one around you will even be aware. For example, if you are in the office and feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
Take a moment and just take a deep breath in and out – repeat this a few times. Then become really aware of your surroundings. Where are you sitting? What does the chair feel like? How are your feet resting? What is in your hand? What is on your desk? Who is around you? What’s on the wall? Bring yourself into all the sensations of your surroundings. You are now present.
Doing meditation is a wonderful way of distressing and minding yourself. Meditation can be five minutes per day and doing this would improve your life greatly.
5. Watch and listen to positive audios and videos
There are a vast array of resources available to you online and via apps.
Every day at some point, I listen to a five minute audio or video on motivation or positive living and it really builds up my energy and I feel capable of anything in that moment.
You can also fit it into your day at some point, even if it is while getting dressed or waiting for the bus.
6. It’s OK to say ‘NO!’
I have no doubt that everyone reading this has at some point or another struggled with saying “no” to someone or in response to a situation that is not good for them.
We put so much pressure on ourselves and guilt can set in and overtake our emotions, leaving us doing things we would prefer not to.
It is very important to give and help others but is just as important to look after yourself. Even once a week try saying “no” to something you don’t want to do and ease yourself into this practice.
7. Eat well
We are always told that eating well will make us feel great but we don’t always put that into practice.
Our body needs energy and to give ourselves the best chance of feeling positive and uplifted our food plays a huge part in that. I know for myself after Christmas I felt awful.
I have bad rosacea at times and any inflammatory foods make that flare up and also make my energy really low. That in turn then makes my mood lower and things can spiral from there in a negative way. Be mindful and aware of what you are putting into your body and what positive or negative reactions these foods give you.
8. What would you do if you loved yourself?
How often do you hear that loving yourself will improve your life? Yet we struggle to know where to start. I follow a spiritual teacher, Teal Swan, and she shares the most amazing self-care practice.
Every day for the next 365 days asks yourself one simple question: “What would someone who loves themselves do?” So, if you are in a difficult situation, experiencing stress, feeling overwhelmed or unsure what decision to make, ask yourself this question.
Listen to the answer and follow your own guidance. Since I have followed this practice it has changed my life. It is not always easy to do but it is so worth it.
TimeForYourMind is Caroline Maria Meade’s new online membership club to help busy, ambitious, and determined women. Making time for yourself has never been easier and you CAN do it… even while walking to work, cleaning the house, in the gym, walking the dog, waiting for the bus, commuting, or in the background at home with the kids.
You can also join Caroline and lots of wonderful women, all supporting each other, over on Facebook.