Big Kids

What one nine-year-old does at the start of each day is infectious

One mum has taken to Facebook to reveal what her son gets up to each morning, and we think he's going places!

Lauren Cormier's nine-year-old boy, has started a new trend in his family, and his mum couldn't be happier with the latest development. 

Nine-year-old, Eli, has started a new tradition where he wakes up each morning thinking about what he is looking forward to throughout the day. 

"It's something so simple, yet has the potential to profoundly change his life. Every morning he thinks of one or two things he's looking forward to that day."

"Little things like having gym class or getting pizza for lunch," explained the mum. 

But it is an infectious thinking, with the rest of his family members now joining in on his method of positivity. 

"In effect, he's training his mind to focus on the positive, which in turn, improves his entire attitude and outlook."

"This morning as we drove to school, I decided to extend his idea to the rest of us. I asked each of the kids to tell me one thing they were looking forward to today," making the day ahead a little bit brighter for the kids.

Lauren firmly believes that our attitude will make or break a day, week, month, year or life, but she also takes on board that certain occasions can prove harder to be positive than others. 

"I also believe that we can train ourselves to focus on the positive instead of the negative."

Urging her followers to try out their new family routine for themselves, Lauren states: "I bet it won't take long to notice an improvement in your attitude, and in turn, your life."

We think this is a wonderful idea to share with our kids – to always have them looking on the brighter side at the start of each new day. 

Will you be trying this method with yours?

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The Parenting Masterclass with MummyPages takes place on Saturday, 21st October. Book now and get your place at a choice of workshops including First Aid, Money Matters, Weaning, Bullying and Mental Health.


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