Big Kids

WHAT? Disney theme parks are starting to finger-print children

All Walt Disney World theme parks will now be scanning the finger-prints of all children aged three to nine.

They implemented this practice for adult-aged patrons years ago. 


Everyone needs a little magic on a Monday. #MagicKingdom #CinderellaCastle (Photo: @ohyeahdisney)

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However ridiculous it may seem, the reason behind the finger-printing concept is pretty reasonable. 

Disney calls the process "Ticket Tag Service" and it has been introduced to prevent the use of stolen and shared tickets.


'You've got a friend in me!' #ToyStory #DisneyPhotoPass #WaltDisneyWorld

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According to, before these new finger-print rules "it had been easy to transfer tickets amongst children as they had no fingerprints attached to them."


Hope you had a wicked good time tonight at opening night for Mickey's #NotSoScary Halloween Party!

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Disney has assured parents that the finger scanning system is safe, saying they give each unique finger-print a numerical value and no print is stored. 


How are you beating the heat today? #DisneyPhotoPass #MickeyIceCream #WaltDisneyWorld

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They have also said that if they are still uncomfortable, they will allow parents to use their own fingerprint instead.

SHARE if you agree with Disney! 

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