We can SO relate to this mum's 'episode' of 'What's in My Bag?'
Long gone are the days that you could carry around a small, neat bag filled with nothing more than a bit of make-up, a phone and maybe even a hair bobbin or two.
Now that you're a mum, you are no doubt more likely to find odd socks, old soothers and a plastic toy or two (and an empty wallet).
Oh how wide and varied the range of assortments found in a mama's handbag are!
So when we watched Jennifer Garner's episode of 'What's in my Bag?', we could completely relate.
The mum sat on the floor and pulled out all the contents of her backpack.
There was a plethora of stickers, pens, tea, one dollar note, index cards, 'a honey thing', and a day planner (the one thing we are missing from our life)!
Posting the video to Instagram, the mum-of-three – Violet, 12, Seraphina, 9, and Samuel, 6 – wrote: "On today’s episode of 'What’s In My Bag?' we explore the depths of my favourite backpack. #ihadsomewine #notcolorcoding #whoneedsageode."
And we're not the only ones relating to the video:
"My bag is just like this and we call it my Mary Poppins' bag because of the scene where she pulls out the lamp and the ruler, etc. from her bag!" wrote one fan.
"It is definitely a mom thing! You are so very talented and authentic…thanks for being you! And thanks for sharing you with us!"
Another said: "I. Can’t. Stop. Laughing! You absolutely made my night (it was like watching myself dig through my bag!)."
We need this to be a weekly thing, Jennifer!