Family Life

Watch: Hero cop uses CPR to save unresponsive baby

A two-month-old baby girl was barely responsive when a US police officer received the call-out.  

When the Georgia Sergeant Nick St. Onge arrived at the scene, he found the baby blue.

It transpired that the baby girl had begun to choke after having a bottle.

Speaking to, the Sergeant explained he was trying to recall previous training before tending to the little girl.

“During my drive there, I’m reviewing in my head the CPR training I’ve received,”

“What am I going to do when I get there? I’m kind of developing a mindset, a game plan for how I envision things going.”

However, he didn't need to worry, his CPR training during his nine years as a marine and his recertification in the police department, kicked in. 

When St. Onge arrived, the two-month old's grandmother handed him the barely responsive infant, Zeona. 

“The training I had just kicked in, and I just went to work,” he said.

“I started doing back blows and chest compressions.”

Thankfully, a few minutes later, baby Zeona gave out a small cry. 

It was “just this half cry from the baby, who up until that point hadn’t made a sound,” he said.

“Right as the fire department was pulling up and EMS was pulling up, the baby started coming back around and started to cry a little more.”

The dashcam in his police car caught the moments he saved Zeona's life. 

Reportedly the tiny tot is recovering well.

St. Onge said saying her life was all thanks to the fire department, emergency responders, and Zeona's grandmother, Kianna Dorsey.

Speaking about how calm the grandmother stayed in light of the situation, the policeman said:

“She really kept everybody calm, and she was very calm herself.” 


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St. Onge also highlighted how crucial CRP training is for everyone to obtain, as it could be a matter of life and death. 

“It doesn’t take a whole lot of time, it’s probably the easiest training you can receive and I hope you never have to use it

But it’s better to have that knowledge and have that training and not have to use it than to not have that training and be placed in the situation where you have to have it.”

We couldn't agree more.

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