
Urban legends: 6 weird things that MIGHT induce labour

A lot of mums-to-be get to that stage when they have passed their due date, and there is still no sign of a baby.

You are terribly uncomfortable, and willing to try almost ANYTHING to help induce labour.

Well, we have combined a list of those famous home remedies that have been known to kick start the glorious birthing process…

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1. Drinking castor oil

The theory here is that castor oil acts as a stimulant to the bowels, which irritates the uterus and causes contractions. Be warned though, castor oil is also a home remedy for constipation, so it may upset your stomach a little. 

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2. Spice up your life

APPARENTLY eating spicy foods can stimulate a woman's body into labour.

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3. Raspberry tea

Raspberry leaf is thought to tone the muscles of your womb, so they work more efficiently. Sounds good to us…

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4. Pineapple

Bromelain is a combination of enzymes found in fresh pineapple. Bromelain softens the connective tissue of the cervix, bringing on labour.

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5. Bumpy car journey

A bumpy car ride can break your water, push the baby farther into the birth canal or into the correct birthing position… and you don't even need to stand up! 

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6. Sex

Semen contains hormones that can help soften the cervix, possibly leading to contractions. ALSO, an orgasm releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the muscles of the uterus to contract. Sounds promising. 

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