Throwing a party? Here are 6 ADORABLE gender reveal ideas
Pregnancy is such an exciting time, and many couples simply can’t wait to find out if they’re having a baby girl or boy.
For many, the gender reveal calls for just as much celebration as the pregnancy announcement itself – hence the rising popularity of gender reveal parties.
Here are some of our favourite ideas for cute gender reveals:
Simple but so sweet, this is all about the build-up and anticipation as the gender finally ‘pops’ out! Release blue or pink balloons from a box, or pack coloured confetti into one giant, neutral-coloured balloon.
Confetti cannon
Speaking of confetti, a confetti cannon is just about the most fabulous way of announcing your little one’s gender to the world. It’s like pulling a cracker at Christmas dinner – but a hundred times more exciting.
Chalk explosion
This is a great way of getting both parents involved. Perfect for the sports-fanatic, this usually plays out with one parent pitching a ball filled with chalk, and the other striking it with a baseball bat – sending plumes of pink- or blue-coloured smoke into the air. We’ve also seen it carried out with a golf club and ball – the options are endless!
This is an oldie but a goodie, at this stage. A favourite among couples all over the world, the cake reveal involves cutting into delicious, multi-layered baked goods and exposing either a pink or blue filling. We’re suckers for a good ombré filling, too – it’s extra pretty!
Smoke bomb
The smoke bomb reveal was once reserved for professional photographers, but more and more couples are using the idea for their own DIY home shoots. You can order special gender reveal smoke bombs online – just make sure you follow the health and safety guidelines.
All about Big Bro and Big Sis
If your little one is about to become a big brother or sister, why not make the gender reveal all about them? Make a special T-shirt announcing the sex, or set up a photo shoot around a blackboard or poster announcement – they will love it.