This smart duvet WILL put an end to temperature-related bedtime arguments (trust us)
Are you forever too cold in bed?
Do you and your other half constantly fight over the number of blankets because he’s forever roasting and you're, well, you're like an iceberg?
Well, this smart duvet is probably the answer to all your temperature-related arguments.
The Smartduvet Breeze is the world's first dual-zone climate controlled bed – and will put an end to you constantly pulling the duvet off your SO because you’re freezing.
Simply place the inflatable sheet between your duvet and duvet cover and select your preferred temperature for each side of your bed using an app.
Oh, and did we tell you that it makes the bed for you…?
We actually don’t know which is better… the fact that it warms you up and cools your other half down… or the fact that it makes itself.
Finally, we'll be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep (well, once we've put an end to the three-year-old constantly crawling into the bed at 3am, that is).
Intrigued? Click here for more info: www.indiegogo.com