Little girl does an amazing (and strange) Taylor Swift impression
All of us have idols in life, whether it's your mother, a politician or even a pop music sensation.
One little girl recently got to perform on live television, impersonating her idol, Taylor Swift.
However, this performance has the Internet divided, with some people loving it, and some people claiming that it's incredibly inappropriate.
While we won't deny the fact that the performance starts out quite sweet and innocent, it all gets very weird very fast.
About 90 seconds in to this video, little Xia Vigor has her cute costume literally RIPPED off, to reveal a rather raunchy sparkly dress underneath.
Did we mention that she's only seven-years-old?
The video, which was uploaded to YouTube during the week, has been viewed more than four million times, with thousands of people commenting on it's content.
The general consensus is that the little girl's dancing is too sexual, and extremely inappropriate.
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