Family Life

This girl is waiting in the airport for someone very special

This is brilliant!

Zoe was waiting in the airport with her family who had told her that they were collecting a friend.

However, what Zoe didn’t realise was that someone else entirely was about to walk through arrivals.

Someone she hadn’t seen in three years.

Standing just at arrivals, the 10-year-old is patiently waiting for the visitor to arrive, and her face when she sees her brother is priceless.

Literally in awe of her sibling, who was away with the army, the young girl bursts into tears and cannot stop hugging him – clearly delighted to be reunited with him.

They haven’t seen each other in so long, and the pair embrace for a long time.

Posing for a photo, the video, which was posted to YouTube by Stephanie Sweet, then shows the pair spending time together bowling, ice skating and having food.

The siblings clearly have a very close bond and it’s so lovely. 

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