Family Life

This family went totally BALD for the most amazing reason

Haylee Spreadborough, 25,  first noticed some strange changes in her son Malcolm when he was just 11-months-old. 

What was once a full head of blonde hair, was now patchy and sparse.

Haylee brought her little boy for tests, where he was diagnosed with alopecia areata, an auto-immune disorder that causes people to lose their hair from their body and head.

Malcom's case was classed as severe, meaning there was nothing to be done about regaining his hair.

“Within six months, he lost everything, his eyebrows, his eyelashes – he had nothing,” Haylee told kidspot.

Haylee's main concern has been Malcom's self-confidence, and admits she worries about how other children will treat her son. 


Haylee decided that the best way to bring about acceptance was to raise awareness for this disease.

So, the family hosted a charity event, where Haylee and her husband shaved their head to raise awareness and money for this important cause. 

The couple raised an amazing $3000 for their son's disease. 

Haylee admitted that she initially felt uncomfortable with her new bald head, but when Malcom's face lit up, she said it was all worth it. 

What a heartwarming story! 

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