Mum's Life

This Dublin salon is offering free blow drys to women who go for smear tests

A very clever idea.

A Dublin hair salon is encouraging women to go for smear tests by offering them free blow drys after their appointments.

Gillian Lee, owner of Mane Envy Hair in Baldoyle, says she will honour the promotion for one year in an effort to raise awareness of cervical cancer.

"I felt that as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and as a woman, I had to do something to try and give others like me an incentive to make that smear test appointment,” she explained.

Making reference to her growing social media following, the salon owner revealed how she felt the need to use her platform "to do good and raise awareness".

The inspiration behind the incentive comes from Gillian's mother who, after going for a smear test, discovered a series of abnormalities and was later admitted for surgery. 

"Back in 2012, my own mother underwent an emergency hysterectomy following a series of abnormalities which showed up on her smear tests leading to minor surgery and then major surgery."

"I believe she’s here and healthy today because she went for her free routine smear tests."

After seeing first-hand just how important regular smear testing can be, Gillian now wants to encourage other women to get checked.


Evening ladies Gill here, As it approaches Mothers Day it always makes me think of Jade Goody and her two little boys she left behind , Its awful for me to say but ‘The Jade Goody Effect’ has worn off!! When Jade god rest her soul, was in the media there was an all time high of smears being booked in but NOW there’s an all time LOW!!! To think just 5 minutes at your local Doc surgery or well woman clinic could save your life Xx Please ladies, if this post and photo makes you think, please book a smear ASAP!!! And to encourage you even more Mane Envy will offer you a FREE blowdry no strings attached no hidden agenda just prove to us you have booked and attended your smear , note from the Doc or clinic an email confirmation anything , please let's share this post even if it makes just one woman go I'll be delighted xx #cervicalcancerawareness #getyoursmear #protectyourself #ManeEnvy4Smears

A post shared by Gill (Mane Envy) (@mane_envy_) on

"In fact, many women are alive today because of this wonderful free service and yet strangely some, including myself, don’t make the time to attend for their five-minute life saver.

"I want to appeal to women to please make that call today."

To avail of the incentive, women must produce a document stating they have had a smear, whether it is a doctor's note, confirmation email or text.

For more information or to find out when your next smear test is due, log on to

Feature image via Shutterstock 

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