This 'By Age 35' Twitter trend has us questioning all of our life choices
There is a Twitter trend currently doing the rounds that we totally relate to on so many levels!
It all started when MarketMatch said that you should have two times your SALARY (not your weekly wage) tucked away in the bank by the time you're 35. Yes, we also laughed at that.
Thankfully, the lovely folk on Twitter got word of this hilarious bit of information, and hit back with more, eh, realistic ideals of where you should be by the time you're 35.
An absolute must.
By age 35 you should have at least one potato masher in a drawer that prevents it from being opened.
— JadedinBlue (@jadedinblue) May 22, 2018
By age 35, you should be ready for bed. All the time. The earlier the better. In fact, just stay in bed the whole day.
— David Lewis (@davidclewis) May 22, 2018
Wasn't it?
By age 35 you should have reached that stage of time confusion where you're convinced the 90s was only 10 years ago.
— Jen Williams (@sennydreadful) May 21, 2018
And you can't throw any of it away.
By age 35 you should have an entire cabinet filled with Tupperware containers. That don’t match. Just a bunch of random bottoms and tops that come cascading out on you every time you open the door.
— Danielle H (@FoodosaurusRex) May 22, 2018
By age 35 you should have started noticing uncomfortable similarities between you and your parents that you swore you would never be like
— Amadeus (@Amadeaux) May 25, 2018
Speaking the truth!
By age 35, you shouldn’t care what anyone tells you you should or shouldn’t do by age 35.
— michelledhatt (@michelledhatt) May 30, 2018
What do you think you should have achieved by age 35?