Aw! The OTT gender reveal that's had nearly 2 MILLION views
While we’re not usually ones to support the ‘pink for a girl blue for a boy’ dictum, we have to say this gender reveal is all kinds of brilliant.
In a fantastically OTT move, these parents-to-be rev a pick-up truck and release a cloud of pink smoke to announce the sex of their new baby.
Well they do say everything is bigger in Texas!
The video was posted by Carina Aguilar, the sister of Texan mum-to-be Maria Garcia and has already received close to two million views
“I can't take full credit for this idea,” Maria told Parents.com. “I had seen it before in another FB video way before I got pregnant, but knew if/when I did I had to incorporate it to my reveal surprise party since my husband loves his toys—his trucks and cars.”
And if you’re wondering how she did it, there’s actually such a thing as a gender reveal powder kit, which you can buy on Amazon. The powder is simply poured into the exhaust pipe, and when the truck is revved up it reveals the exciting news.
And best of all, Maria didn’t even know herself what the gender would be. She had the hospital hand her the gender in an envelope which she gave to her friend Lizbeth Ramirez, who set everything up.
“I was ecstatic to find out I'm having a girl,” said Maria. “[She'll be] the first girl on my side of the family and the first on my husband's side of the family in 16 years, so adding a girl to the family is just a joy to us all!”