Family Life

Teen tells his five-year-old brother he's gay... his reaction is priceless

Even in our modern day climate, telling someone your gay is still a difficult process, even if that someone is a member of your immediate family. 

People are still very much accustomed to assuming you're heterosexual unless you state otherwise. 

So when Oliver Potter decided to tell his five-year-old brother that he was gay, he was prepared for a difficult and challenging conversation. 

However, little Alfie had no problem weighing in on the conversation with his thoughts on the scenario…


A post shared by Oliver Potter (@olivervlogss) on

When Oliver began explaining love to his little brother, Alfie scrunches up his nose, until Oliver explains that sometimes a man can marry another man because they love them, asking:

"How would it make you feel if I married a man?"

And little Alfie's response is the most beautiful thing ever, while he also reinforces the idea that kids really do take in a lot of what they see, which in this case is a wonderful success.  

"If you marry a man it is going to be so cool because I saw it in one movie, that one man was in love with another man, and everyone said it was cool."


A post shared by Oliver Potter (@olivervlogss) on

"Love is love," added the five-year-old. 

Oliver proceeds to ask if his youngest sibling would be OK with him marrying a man to which Alfie replies 'yes', while they also discuss that two men can't have a baby, because 'only mummies can make those wishes'. 

Oliver shares: "My brother's reaction made me realise what a kind and gentle soul he is. He is right… Love is love, you really can be who you want to be you just have to pluck up the courage to make it happen."

Commenting on the piece, the vlogger also added: "Sooooo much love in the air! […] So Alfie wants his own channel, WHAT HAVE I CREATED!"

This vlog has literally tugged on every heartstring we have… get those tissues ready folks. 

We cannot get enough of these two! 

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