Family Life

Teen shares her happiness at getting two new adopted siblings

 Kylie Scudder is a high school student who recently got two beautiful additions to her family. 

On November 8th, the Scudder family officially adopted three-year-old Veronica and 1-year-old Preston, and the happy sister shared her joy on Twitter.

In a tweet that included a number of lovely photos, Kylie said: "today we officially adopted my little brother and sister, I am so emotional right now. Welcome to the family Veronica and Preston."

The tweet has been retweeted 16,000 times, and has been liked over 44,000 times in just a few days.

Thousands of people have also tweeted Kylie, congratulating her and her family, and wishing them the best.

It is so nice to see a happy ending for these two cuties, who were given a very difficult start in life.

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