Would you do it? Husband and wife dress up as Batman and Batgirl for the best reason ever
Husband finds out he’s going to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet... from a frappuccino!
Couple reveal MAJOR news using letters and lights from the 'upside down'
Woman sends her fiancee a game of scrabble in the post... and he starts to cry
Great-grandparents hilariously try to figure out what's on a special balloon
MadGab pregnancy announcement has one grandmother thinking she is with child
Family receive a shock at dinner, but one dad is having none of it
Mum fears she has to have a tumour removed, but is left in total shock
Mum's 'insta surprise' is all kinds of cute in beautiful post
Guests think they've guessed the correct gender until mum-to-be shocks the room
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