Big Kids

Student posts snap of her teacher’s life advice years later, and it’s HILARIOUS

When sorting through old stuff we always come across some pretty neat gems.

But one particular Imgur user has found an amazing list of society rules from a teacher years after they left school.

The list of ‘wisest words’ has 100 lines of advice for students going forward in life, and while some are pretty agreeable, some are downright hilarious.

The very first line had us hooked, and we have to say, we totally agree. Yes, there are "plenty of ways to enter a pool" and, no, "the stairs is not one of them.” 

And numbers 77 and 80 are definitely on our radar…

However, we're not particularly keen on the last piece of advice, to be honest. 

Has your teacher ever give you or your little ones something like this? Or has something your teacher said stuck with you over the years? 

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