Say cheese! There is little doubt that today’s children are more photographed than any other generation before them.
After all, we adoring parents are perpetually armed with smart-phones – ready at any minute to capture our little ones’ activities.
But there are downsides to creating such a constant stream of memories… namely that not all of it is all that memorable.
In fact, some parents admit that, with pretty much everything being stored on digital devices, they actually have only a handful of printed-out snaps featuring their children.
And so – in a bid to expertly capture and preserve those precious childhood memories – MagicMum has put together five top tips to consider…
1) Go pro
Most of our smart-phones are already heavy with photo- and video-sharing apps and social platforms. But there is a lot to be said for calling in a professional for a special occasion or milestone celebrations.
Setting up a family shoot in a studio can be affordable if you shop around for a good deal (although always check-out previous examples of the photographer’s work before committing to a purchase). And it’s money well spent – because these are the snaps (NOT those selfies!) you’ll look back on in years to come.
2) Get a photo book
There are dozens of options to choose from online – many of which are pretty inexpensive.
And there is just something really special about sitting down with your family to flick through a book of snaps (rather than whipping out your phone and looking at them on screen).
These also make for a fab presents for grandparents and relatives. Aim to do one a year and build up a priceless archive.
3) Save, save, save!
It all sounds painfully obvious – but how many parents have been caught out by a lost device or wiped SIM? Sure you’re snap-happy – but actually then saving down those videos and photographs can too easily be forgotten about… until it’s too late!
Don’t just rely on social media either; the picture and video quality is often reduced – and anyway, attempting to trawl through months of posts to source one image is just too tedious for most.
4) Make memories
Make their childhood moments really remarkable – with days out, special outings, and planned activities that you know will amaze and excite.
And if you’re looking for the likes of face painting, costumes and balloons – then look no further than the Lego Batman Family Fun Day.
With Happy Meals also featuring Lego Batman, children can come dressed as their favourite Batman characters, or alternatively opt to have their face painted on the day.
It’s being held at McDonald’s restaurants nationwide on Thursday, February 23 (the kids will be off on mid-term!), and it is definitely an afternoon crying out for a load of pics and video.
5) Email
One of our favourite tips for parents when a new baby arrives; set up an email address in the child’s name.
Then over the course of their early days and childhood, email standout photos and videos to that account – photos and videos that don’t get put anywhere else. It doesn’t have to be a lot – but a maybe dozen or so moments a year would make the cut.
Then on a milestone birthday, give them the password and allow them to unlock a wealth of treasured celebrations from over the years.
The McDonald’s Family Fun Day is an afternoon of fun and free activities, including balloon-modelling and face-painting. You can find out more here. There will also be a further McDonald’s Family Fun Day event on April 13 – make sure to keep an eye out for details.