
Soothers and blankets: Paediatric sleep consultant shares top 'tools' to help Baby sleep

As mums, we all know just how hard it is to get Baby to go to sleep, and most of us will reach for some kind of comforter like a soft toy, soothing music or even a blanket to help them settle. 

Understanding the importance of these tools, Paediatric Sleep Consultant Lucy Wolfe wants mums to make informed decisions on what sleep props to use, and how best to use them. 

There are few things that Lucy, who is also a brand ambassador for Baby Elegance, would not suggest to a new parent to help their baby to sleep more easily, provided they are making informed and safe decisions about it.

1. Soother: 

If you are not against introducing a soother, then don’t rule it out. It can take time and may be a case of trying a number of different types until your baby finds one that they like. If you find that they can’t keep it in, then gently try to remove the dummy from their mouth which can invoke the reflex to retain and encourage them to suck. You just need to be mindful about hygiene and make sure that you are sterilising them as much as possible.

Over time, some parents report that their child is waking multiple times for a dummy re-plug so this can start to be a challenge. It doesn’t always mean you need to stop using it, and even if you wanted to, Lucy recommends discussing first with your GP. Very often multiple dummy re-plugs is representative of overtiredness and this can be addressed with age relevant timings and helping your baby sleep more independently from you.

Once you have committed to a dummy past 9 months of age, Lucy says it is possible that you are stuck with it now until closer to 2.5 years but again, that is not always a bad thing provided that it is not affecting their teeth, their speech or their sleep.

2. Comfort blanket: 

An alternative to the soother would be a security item, commonly called a “lovey” or “comfort blanket”. You will need to be mindful of the health agenda and ensure that whatever you select is handkerchief size, safe and breathable and, from a practical point of view, washable. 

Lucy has found that while many will take to it, others will express no interest whatsoever. It is always good to try to introduce the comfort blanket. It can be helpful to wear it first and then slowly introduce to the bedtime routine and perhaps any games that you may play by day. Then start to tuck it in with Baby and place into their hands. If your baby can acclimatise to this practise then you will likely have this with you for a long time.

3. White noise/ music: 

White noise – the sound of the hairdryer and/or washing machine – or lullaby music can be a super effective way to helping calm a fussy or crying baby. It can also help them go asleep and stay asleep longer. The key element to note is that if you play white noise or lullaby music as your child is falling asleep it then needs to stay on for the entire sleep period, otherwise the sleep can get cut short.

If you select lullaby music, just opt for one note and uncomplicated musical arrangements that help to regulate the heartbeat and induce relaxation. 

Studies tend to indicate that white noise can help induce sleep quicker and that the sleep is also deeper. It does also act as a mask from noise if you live in a noisy apartment block, if the neighbour’s dog barks a lot or if you have older children. You will need to be mindful though of your baby’s hearing and ensure that the device is far away from their head and is played at the volume of a shower or lower.

4. Other tools: 

Others supports for sleep in the early days can be slings, swings, buggies and pram tops. Motion can be very helpful to enable sleep, but don’t allow your baby to stay in them for longer than advised.

Whatever you find works for your new family, always make sure that you are observing safe sleep and understand that even though it can be challenging and tiring, this too shall pass!

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