
So, would you put this sign on your newborn baby's car seat?

Being a new mum is hard; everyone wants to see your baby, cuddle, kiss and give them a little squeeze – but there is always that fear of germs being passed from them to Baby.

But what if you could put a sign on the buggy telling people to back off and not touch Baby? Would you hang it off your car seat or stroller? 

A photo posted to the Breastfeeding Mama Talk asks this exact question underneath a photo of a 'No Touching' sign hanging from a car seat. 

"Thoughts? Would you put this on your baby's car seat?" they ask. 

Not surprisingly, the photo has garnered a lot of attention, with many saying they would totally use it with out and about with their baby.

"Got one for my preemie baby!" wrote one. 

"So far being home from PICU it works! And I keep a cover on him. If that don't work they will get an ear-full from me."

Another said: "I slap hands. Seriously, my youngest is 6 months and my oldest is 3. If I've repeatedly asked you not to poke, pinch, grab or hold my baby – don't touch her. It's not so much the germs (anymore), but you don't just go up and touch someone else's baby. My 3 year old also slaps hands. I 100% allow it. She has super curly hair and people always want to touch it. They'll just walk right up and start pulling on curls… Not acceptable."

However, not everyone agrees with the sign or even feels their is a need for one. 

"I have had 4 big healthy boys, all have been bounced around people and played on the floor since they came out and I wouldn't change a thing," said one. 

"Barely ever sick and handle immune challenges well. People are ridiculous with babies now. Unless your baby is a preemie or somehow sick, get that kid in some dirt."

Another wrote: "My babies were born healthy and on time or after. We have a big family and couldn’t keep all the germy kids away. Both kids are happy and healthy now after being exposed to countless germs. I welcome boosting the immune system!"

What do you think of the sign? Necessary or a little bit over-protective? 

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