School bans TEACHERS from using their phones at lunch... and it's a brilliant idea
Phones and school don't mix; they are distracting, noisy and can impact on a person's want to interact with others, and learn.
So, in a bid to tackle this, one school in Perth has introduced a mobile ban for not just during class but also at recess and lunch.
However, the ban doesn't just extend to students… it also includes teachers (unless it is an emergency), and we actually think it is a great idea.
Talking on the Today Tonight show, principal Alec O'Connell said that phones "remove the focus from learning and reduces social interactions during recess and lunch" and he is absolutely right.
But the fact that he has extended the ban to persons of authority in the school, makes it fair across the board – and encourages interaction between students AND their teachers.
Us parents are guilty of spending way too much time on our phone, whether it's scrolling through Facebook or catching up on emails, but, as adults, we are the ones who need to set an example.
Kids learn by what we do, and we can't tell them not to do one thing and then go ahead and do it ourselves.
Sure, doesn't the saying go: 'Kids do what we do, not what we say'?!
And not only is that not fair… it is also teaching them a bad example.
"It’s not about becoming a Luddite school," the headmaster continued, when asked about the new rules.
"It’s simply about being in the moment and bringing back a bit of social connection around campus."
Would you like to see this being implemented here? Or do you think it should be one rule for them, and one rule for the teachers?