Big Kids

Quick-thinking 9-year-old boy saves neighbour's life

Owen Lopez was walking home from school last Friday in the bitter cold, when he saw something that didn't seem quite right. 

There was a man lying on the ground outside a house two doors up from his house.

Owen rushed over to the fallen man and asked was he alright. When the man was unable to answer him, Owen knew there was something wrong. 

He ran home immediately to raise the alarm with his mother. Luckily, Ashley, his mother who has first aid experience, was at home.

She had been planning on running errands that afternoon, but fortunately a flat tyre prevented her from going out. She and her husband managed to get the fallen man, who has mobility issues, inside. They warmed him up and call an ambulance. 

The family have since been in touch with the man in the hospital, and he is expected to recover. 

Ashley said that it was a blessing that her tyre had blown out: "A couple more minutes and he mightn't have made it." 

"If it wasn't for my tyre blowing out the night before, and Owen seeing him there, it could have been a very sad story." 

Despite admitting to being scared, when asked why he did what he did, Owen replied with: "I dunno, I just thought it was a good idea." 

A good idea that saved a neighbour's life. What a little hero! 


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