
Pumping tips all nursing mamas should probably know about

As a breastfeeding mama you probably find you're spending hours in front of the telly as your little one nurses for what can seem like forever.

Nursing is an incredible way to bond with Baby, but sometimes Dad wants to get involved in the feeding or Mum needs a few hours of me-time.

And that is when pumping comes into its own. 

But just bear in mind the following tips before you get started:

1. It starts with a good pump

The type of pump you have will make or break your pumping experience, so do spend a little time researching them. A manual pump requires you to literally squeeze the milk out of you (as a suction is created around the nipple). Battery-powered or electric ones on the other hand will do the job for you, with some even giving you the option to change suction patterns.

2. If Baby can't be there grab something that smells like them

If you can't have your baby near you when you are pumping, do try to have a blanket or babygro that smells like them near you. This will help you achieve letdown a lot easier. 

3. Practise makes perfect 

Don't worry if you are struggling with pumping the first, second or even third time, practise makes perfect and the more times you do it the more comfortable you will be (and the more of a routine you will get into). 

4. Distract yourself

The last thing you want to be doing when pumping is to be continuously checking how much milk you're producing… so distract yourself in some way. The TV, a good book, a conversation with the girls over a cup of tea, anything that will keep your mind off the amount of milk coming out of you. 

5. Know how long you should pump for

It is recommended you pump for about 15 minutes, and to continue doing so even if your milk isn't flowing in order to build up supply.

6. Properly store the milk

It is important you use proper nursing bags that are designated for breastmilk and are sterile; you can store the milk for the following length of time:

  • Four-six hours at room temperature
  • Eight days in the fridge
  • Six months in the freezer (allow for expansion at top of container).

Clean the pump properly in hot soapy water after use and allow to air dry

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