Family Life

Police captain 'kidnaps' mother and daughter- for the best reason

When Kori Malenfant and her mother missed the train from Boston to Portland, it was devastating. 

Not only because of the freezing Boston temperatures, or that the next train wasn't for another two and a half hours, but Kori was recovering from massive surgery. 

The 19-year-old had undergone life changing brain surgery just four days earlier in a New York hospital. 

Speaking to Love What Matters, Malenfant recalled that the station was cold, with no where to leave their luggage and no space for her to sit comfortably. 

Becoming desperate, they approached a police officer, asking them if there was somewhere where they could store their bags and get an Uber to somewhere warmer and more comfortable. 

The officers contacted their captain, Captain Kelley McCormick, who showed up immediately in an unmarked police car. 

He began to drive, stopping for petrol. Eventually, when they had been driving quite a while, Malenfant questioned where they were going: 

"We were all pretty confused at this point, and assumed he was going to ride us around a little bit to warm us up (we were so happy and thankful!). After quite some time, as we continued moving North, Mum asked where we were going, and he laughed and said he was kidnapping us and that it was perfectly legal." 

Captain McCormick was going to drive them the whole way to Portland, to their waiting car: 

"He said there was no way he was going to allow me to sit in the cold so soon after surgery and that it was his pleasure to drive us. We were all in shock and very emotional at this amazing and generous act of kindness."

They chatted and exchanged stories on the the long drive, and Malenfant says that she is extremely for the extra mile(s) that the police captain went for them. 

"He is a humble, inspiring, kind man. I am blessed and honoured to have spent a car ride with such an amazing national hero." 

Malenfant is in recovery from her brain surgery, but still feeling grateful and glad that she ran into Captain McCormick in her hour of need! 

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