Family Life

'People like you will not go far in this world' - Irish mum's answer to stranger who shamed her

Kellie Kearney of, My Little Babog, was enjoying a family day out to a nearby fun park when her fun-filled day was rudely interrupted. 

The mum-of-four was in the midst of feeding her one-year-old tot when a stranger passed an unsavoury comment. 

"Have some more respect for yourself," taunted a man who was standing nearby. 


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In all the years the mum has breastfed in Ireland, she admits it has never been anything but well wishes and thankful smiles. 

However, the remark momentarily knocked her as she hadn't expected it. 

"Even though I admittedly had previously prepared myself for any negative backlash about breastfeeding in public, I froze. I stared as he stared."


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"He tutted whilst looking me up and down in disgust as I fed my daughter the most natural way in the world. Tears fell from my face as I felt stuck to the bench, mute," revealed mum. 

Kellie justifies that she was not using her daughter as a 'prop' or trying to make a statement, she was simply meeting her daughter's needs; hunger. 

The mum-of-four even states she was being discreet and covered by two sleeping children in a buggy; nonetheless, regardless of circumstance we don't believe Mum has to justify her actions to a stranger.


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Kellie writes: "Here’s the thing. Breastfeeding is NORMAL. My daughter’s health and needs are MY priority. Not yours."

"So send your tutt, your shameful look and comment where the sun doesn’t shine you uneducated fool."

"You may have knocked me yesterday but it’s only gone and made me stronger […]."

Have you ever experienced unsavoury moments as such?

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