Family Life

Pasta-loving parents name first child after favourite restaurant

We all love our restaurants. Be they Italian, Indian or Irish, there's nothing better than tucking into an old reliable at your favourite spot. 

But do you love a restaurant enough to name your firstborn child after it? This couple did. 

Justin and Jordan Garton from Arkansas are massive fans of Italian chain Olive Garden. So much so that their first baby, due on December 6th, will be named (wait for it) Olivia Garton. 

The pair first started their Olive Garden journey soon after starting to date.

Jordan told Essential Baby. "Justin and I had several date nights at Olive Garden before we hit the rough spot where we really needed to save money any way we could. That's when we purchased the never-ending pasta pass for $100. We ate pasta every night for about 7 weeks and had leftovers for lunch the next day."

They decided to honour the restaurant which kept them going through tough times, by printing a baby grow with the Olive Garden symbol on it.

Jason tweeted that "we spent the first part of our lives love Olive Garden, now we get to spend the rest of our lives loving Olivia Garton" 

The couple decided not to name the baby girl Olive, for fear that she would get teased. So instead they settled on Olivia. 

"We realised we could still subtly make the joke Olive Garden/Olivia Garton,"

They're also planning on using Michelle for a middle name. Meaning that the babies initials will spell OMG. 

"I guess we just have to be those hashtag millennial parents," Jordan joked. 

What about possible sibling names? 

"We do have a boy name still picked out for the future (no, it's not Breadsticks haha). It's not an Italian name, and there's no pun, but it is a name inspired by one of my favourite tv shows."

Olive Garden have replied to Jason's tweet, offering a present for baby Olivia: 

What do you think? Could you name a baby after your favourite pizza place? 

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