
Parent's letter to their 18-year-old on his first birthday will have you in tears

How can you write a letter to your 18-year-old son on his first birthday? 

Simple – you create a time capsule. 

When Amy Purling's son James was born, he was an unexpected 10-weeks early, entering this world premature in Adelaide. 


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And when he came along, his parents found out his impatience quite literally saved his own life:

"He arrived looking very bruised and swollen with widespread petechiae (bleeding into the skin), and was soon diagnosed with a rare blood-clotting disorder called ‘neonatal allo-immune thrombocytopaenia’ or NAIT."

"He received life-saving transfusions from a very special donor and this condition corrected itself within the first couple weeks of his life. We are extremely lucky that he didn’t suffer any long-term complications from this, and have even been told he wouldn’t have survived just a week longer in the womb," added the mum. 


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Following a five-week hospital stay, James was back home with his parents, nonetheless, that was not to be the end of his 'preemie' journey. 

His mum, Amy, quickly realised that her son's journey was only beginning as his milestones came at different intervals than what they normally would with a baby born full-term, inspiring her to document his life in written and photographic form. 

So when his first birthday whirled around the corner, the family celebrated with gusto, creating a 'Wild One' theme for their first-born, but it was a very special thought that caught our attention. 


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Amy and her husband Scott asked each guest attending the birthday party to place an item into a time capsule that James can open on his 18th birthday, explaining to their son:

"We hope these memories are something you will treasure and will give you some insight into the first year of your life." 

And to go hand in hand with the items, the parents included a letter, telling James about how his first year in this world scared them, overjoyed them, and filled their hearts with love. 

"As a one-year-old, you most definitely know what you want! Your personality is a mix of Dad and Mum – you’re very ‘chilled out’ like Dad and not much phases you, but you’re a go-getter like Mum and you like to keep busy."

"Your biggest quality which we love the most is your cheeky nature. We’re not just saying this as your parents, but you are the happiest baby we have ever met! You are ALWAYS smiling!"

"You have some weird quirks and games which make us laugh constantly! You love making and creating new noises."

"Each of these things make up who you are – our bubbly, cheeky and determined little boy who fills our hearts with so much pride. You are our dream come true."


ONE! What an adventure 

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The letter has sparked us into action, and we feel this idea may catch on, we couldn't think of anything nicer to hand our children on their 18th birthday. 

This is simply amazing, precious memories. Would you like to give your son or daughter something similar?

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