
Parents are given a HUGE surprise by their son... but mum almost hyperventilates

The whole point of surprising someone is getting to see their reaction when you do.

But sometimes people just don’t get it, they come out with the regular, ‘OMG thanks’, or worse again – ‘I knew it’ (the worst of the worst).

This makes us bleed internally.

We want the whole works, someone so shocked that they’re left speechless for weeks on end and potentially have to be hospitalised.

OK, that might be taking it a stretch too far, but you get the drift.

But this is one mum who didn’t let us down; she took the bull by the horns and had the reaction we all wanted, albeit we may have had serious concern for her health at one point.

Katie Boyenger was at her in-laws along with her husband to deliver the best surprise they could possibly give.

Handing her father-in-law a small box, he is intrigued to figure out what’s inside, thinking it could possibly be a gift for fishing or partying.

Nonetheless, when he opens and looks inside he is gobsmacked to find not one, but several ultrasound pictures of his grandchild.

Katie and her husband are expecting their first child, and when her mum-in-law peers over to see what her husband is holding she squeals.

Handing the baby she is holding over to its dad, the grandmother-to-be hugs Katie, jumping up and down with excitement.

So much so, that we genuinely thought she was hyperventilating at one stage.

This is going to be one very spoiled baby – exciting times ahead for the Boyengers.

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