Big Kids

Parents are finding happiness in the morning due to one school's coffee cart

Parents or not, coffee in the morning is sacrilegious. 

It's the difference between a day of content or a horror-fuelled endless mindfield. 

But when you're a parent, coffee is your everything – coffee WILL be the difference in remembering to collect your child from school or simply knowing what day of the week it is. 


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Though sometimes, between the hustle and bustle of getting the kids out to school in one piece, there's just not enough minutes on the clock for that elusive hot beverage. 

Making for a pretty grim car journey to school, and let's not even speak of the all important waiting in line for drop-off and collection.

Nevertheless, a married couple in the United States have come to our rescue – they know the score mums and dads. 


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Caffe Ole is a coffee cart that has been set-up at a school in North Carolina by Gabriel and Heather Rael. 

The Rael's had moved with their children to NC a number of years ago from New Mexico, and according to Today, they thought the food truck would be a good idea as well as a unique way to get to know other members of the community. 

Gabriel had originally come up with the idea after he completed the school drop off one morning, noticing the amount of parents sitting in line.


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Knowing he wanted nothing more than a coffee, the dad had a hunch he wasn't the only one. 

Heather told Today: "My husband was waiting in line recently to pick up our daughter and seeing all the cars just sitting there, he thought it would be nice to be able to get out of his car and get something to drink."

"He also remembered when I was a teacher and I always wanted a place where I could get a good cup of coffee, so hence the coffee truck at the school," added the mum. 


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And he wasn't wrong – because not alone has the truck taken off amongst the parents, but the teachers at the school are overjoyed with the latest addition. 

The genius idea has completely kicked off, with the truck benefiting the parents as they can now control their own working hours, and you guessed it, they get a whole summer vacation!

Is this something you'd like to see added to your school drop-off experience? We know we'd certainly LOVE it! 

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