Teen Years

Paralysed teenager gives family and friends the ultimate surprise as he collects his diploma

When renowned student-athlete, Aaron Willis, was shot in a case of mistaken identity, his whole world changed.

The 15-year-old was cycling his bike home one night when the shooting occurred, leaving Aaron with paralysis.

A promising football player, his life was hanging in the balance, but the Florida teenager took it all in his stride, fighting against the odds.

So much so, that following years of hard work, Aaron had a remarkable surprise to show his friends and family on his graduation day.

When his name was called to accept his certificate, Aaron WALKED across the stage to receive it.

The student worked tirelessly with his physical therapists so that with the aid of special robotic legs, he could walk over and accept his certificate.

Naturally, there wasn't a dry eye in the house, as the crowd gathered witnessed a miracle. 

Just shows what you can achieve with determination. 

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