Our top 5 workout ideas for pregnant women
If you’re expecting a little one and want to keep moving during pregnancy but aren’t sure which workouts to try, we’ve got the perfect ideas for you.
It’s great to keep moving throughout your pregnancy with gentle exercises as it can help to keep your body and mind healthy. It’s important to remember that intense workouts are not recommended during pregnancy and you should avoid extreme temperatures.
Make sure to talk to your midwife or a healthcare professional about what exercises to do to make sure they are suitable for you and your baby because everybody is different.
For general ideas of what ways you can get moving before your little one arrives, check out our list below.
This is a great low-impact sport that can be done throughout your pregnancy. Whether you take a walk in the park or get your steps in at home, walking helps to get gentle cardio into your every day routine.
Pregnancy yoga
Going to a yoga class that has been specifically designed for pregnant women is not only a great way to add movement into your day, but is also a great way to meet other mums. You can work on flexibility and breathing techniques while reducing stress.
Prenatal pilates
Pilates helps to improve posture, increase strength and strengthen muscles, so attending a prenatal class designed for pregnancy is a surefire way of keeping active in a safe environment.
Swimming is another wonderful low-impact sport that pregnant women will find beneficial as they can get a light cardio workout complete while relieving joint pain and added pressure from their growing baby bump.
Pelvic floor exercises
Pregnant women should be doing pelvic floor exercises, or kegels, to help with strengthening their pelvic muscles ahead of labour, and to help prevent urinary incontinence after they give birth.