Only 25pc of Irish ladies do this EVERY morning... even though it's easier than brushing your teeth
If your home is anything like ours, your mornings are no doubt a tad chaotic!
Trying to feed everyone, get dressed and get the kids out the door on time, sure you barely have time for a cup of tea never mind a sit down.
However, according to new research by safefood, we do have time for a quick check of our phones every morning… even putting this ahead of taking a healthy supplement like folic acid.
And, according to the new safefood campaign, just 25 percent of Irish women take a folic acid tablet despite most of us being well schooled on the importance of it
It is critical in preventing neural tube defects (spina bifida and anencephaly) in the first few weeks of pregnancy, at a time when most women are unaware they’re pregnant.
Frighteningly, at present, Ireland has the highest rate of babies born with spina bifida in the EU.
And as part of its campaign, safefood is reminding us ladies to take a 400 microgram folic acid supplement every day because we cannot receive the amount of folic acid required through food alone, even with fortified foods as part of our diet.
"What we want women to do is to take on a new healthy habit – take a daily 400microgram folic acid supplement – it’s even easier than brushing your teeth and takes only seconds to do," Dr Marian O’Reilly said.
Dr. Aileen McGloin advises women put a packet beside their bed, near their toothbrush or somewhere that will remind them to take it.
You can find more information about the safefood campaign by visiting www.safefood.eu.
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