
One mum’s letter to her son: ‘I’m sorry I haven't been able to protect you from them’

Finn Blumenthal was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition when he was still in the womb.

In his first year, Finn underwent 10 surgeries including: 2 heart caths, 4 chest tubes, 1 g tube, 2 PICC lines and 1 open heart surgery.

Sadly, however, the two-year-old had to undergo open heart surgery again, and his mum Kelly took to Facebook on the eve of her son’s surgery.

“Two years this scar has grazed your chest; a constant reminder to me every day of what you've gone through but also everything you have overcome,” Kelly wrote in September.

“Tonight, I look at it differently than I ever have before because tomorrow, before 8am, you'll have a new one.”

The mum-of-two wrote of her heartbreak at having to see her son go through another surgery, considering his first one was such a success.

“You don't deserve this Finn. You don't deserve everything that has come with these scars and I am so, so sorry that I haven't been able to protect you from them.”

Not able to promise her son that he wouldn’t feel pain or that he wouldn’t feel scared, Kelly did, however, promise little Finn that she would do everything in her “physical power to have [him] remember the sharks in [his] crib and not the tubes in [his] chest.”

“I'll make a fool out of myself in front of every single doctor and nurse just to have you smile. I'll scream for you, cry for you, I will fight for you.

“This isn't going to be easy, but I can promise you it will be worth it.”

Thanking her youngest son for being so brave, Kelly continued:

“In case I forget to tell you tomorrow as I try to smile through my tears, thank you for being brave.

“Thank you for being stronger than I'll ever be able to. Most of all, thank you for choosing me to be your Mommy.”

You can donate to Finn's fundraising page here: GoFundMe.

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