Family Life

Objects as outfits are a thing and we're in love!

Fancy an Instagram trend that's easy, hilarious AND fun for the whole family. 

Then look no further then 'Objects as Outfits' the adorable trend on swapping out t-shirts for tacos, and underwear for apples. 

The best thing? It's different and doable. Simply get your little one, assorted food items, and start snapping away! 

Here are a selection of our favourites: 


A post shared by Renai Wright (@raisingemwright) on

Anyone can avocado it! 


A post shared by Chelsea Conroy (@chelseakhaila) on

If the cookie fits… 


A post shared by Becky Mackenzie (@mummy.mack) on

Cool or cheesy? Can it be both?  


A post shared by momtorae (@momtorae) on

This one is particularly eggs-cellent.  

When your outfit strikes the right note. 


A post shared by KidsWoodLove (@kidswoodlove) on

Nutella is the new black. 

Mums can join in the fun too! 


A post shared by Haley Warner (@haleywrnr) on

We don't have mushroom to do these recipes! 



Feeling inspired to try it out yourself? We sure avacado!   

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