Family Life

Nursing home gives kittens to residents, and we're MELTING

If you need some cheering up today, then you have come to the right place.

A nursing home in Arizona, that specialises in patients with Dementia and Alzheimers, has introduced a new program for it's residents… and we are BEAMING! 

This new program allows the elderly residents of the home to care for foster kittens, feeding them and giving them a new sense of purpose.

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The scheme is known as "bottle babies", and was developed by Rebecca Hamilton, the health director of the nursing home. 

Credit: Pima Animal Care via Facebook

Rebecca explained to that the residents of the home “seem to recognise them as babies, and the human instinct to nurture just kicks in automatically,” 

Thelma Bradfield. Credit: Pima Animal Care via Facebook

The kittens have had an amazing effect on the residents, who have started feeling useful again.

Credit: Pima Animal Care via Facebook

This new-found purpose can go a long way in altering an older person’s quality of life, especially if they are suffering from an incurable illness like dementia. 

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This seems like the ultimate win-win situation for both the patients, and those lucky little kittens!

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