Big Kids

No more FREEZING on the sideline at your kids’ matches... THIS is what you need

As mums, we want to support our kids at every single event, even if that means standing on the sideline of a football match (or any other game) freezing our bums off.

But enough's enough.

It's time to put an end to numb fingers and damp hair… and invest in a plastic pod. 

Yup, you heard us!

The specially designed, fully enclosed Under the Weather tent has great visibility, is portable and lightweight, easy to put up and down, and is big enough for a chair.

It will keep both the wind and rain off, and even the sun when you are looking for a little protection (for those rare days when it decides to pop out).

Just be warned though… when you rock up on the pitch in the depths of winter with one of these bad boys you better be prepared for a few knocks on the door asking to come in.

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