Mums share their CRAZY pregnancy dreams, and they're both funny AND scary at the same time
In a post on Reddit’s BabyBump page, an expectant mother shared her story of a crazy dream she encountered, where she had given birth to her baby, but it wasn’t a baby, it was a bird!
When the mum-to-be asked “What’s your latest crazy dream?” we were amazed to find that we definitely were not alone in this department.
After perfectly describing the events of her dream, which involved the mum trying to breastfeed a bird, who naturally kept clipping her nipple with its BEAK, the forum blew up in complete hilarity.
An array of dreams was then shared by mums and mums-to-be when they all gathered to describe their snooze time.
The discussion board is one of the funniest and most disturbing we have come across in a long time.
We can't contain ourselves! Have you any crazy dreams to share with us? Come on, we've all been there.