Family Life

Mum's raw post sums up a crap day – but it ALSO made us smile

We love being mums, but hey, we’re human, so some days we just want to crawl under the bed, cover our heads, and stay there while the chaos goes on around us.

One mum who can totally relate is Joanna Dodge Scheuerman, who did a brave thing on social media: she said she didn’t feel like being a mum that day.

And all we can say is fair play, because on our more stressful, exhausted days, we’ve felt the same – in fact we’re pretty sure ALL mums (who don’t have a team of nannies) have at some point or another.

“Yesterday was a grumpy day for me,” she wrote on Facebook. “I didn't feel like being a mommy. I didn't feel like making meals, or doing school with my kindergartner or doing laundry. I wanted to close myself in a dark closet and feel silence and quiet for just one minute. 

“I was miserable all day, and then I snapped at my husband before bedtime because of selfishness. We went to bed grumpy at each other and it was sad and pathetic.”

But the next morning Joanna wasn’t quite so grumpy, and looking at her husband curled up asleep with her daughter, she realised that the beautiful moments more than make up for the tough times.

“But this morning I woke up and rolled over to this picture,” she wrote. “My heart. Moments like this are so easy to cherish; it's so easy to choose happiness and love in beautiful moments like this. But real love chooses happiness in the ugly moments too. Real love chooses to cherish even in the frustrating moments. 

“A time could come where those moments are taken from you, and you would only want to have them back. Choose love. Choose patience. Choose to cherish. Also, I'm so glad I woke up early or I would have missed this gorgeous moment.”

We often feel like we’re under so much pressure to be ‘perfect’, so it’s SO refreshing for a mum to come out and say ‘hey, I’m just not feeling it today’.

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