Mum's post on why parents should encourage their kids to say no is eye-opening
There is nothing worse than when your child is constantly saying no to you. When you ask them to clean their room, eat their dinner, brush their hair or put away their dishes it's all no, no no.
However, Joelle Wisler is glad her daughter says no all the time. Yes, she admits, it can get frustrating, but she's proud that her little girl is able to stand up for herself.
"She is six-years-old and she has no problem with looking me straight in the eyes and saying, 'no'," the mum-of-two wrote on her Facebook page.
"She does this often, for many different reasons. From not wanting to wash her face, eat her dinner, go to bed, clean her room, brush her hair, come inside, go outside, stop saying words for five seconds.
She doesn't always get her way, obviously. She's not rude. She always says, "please," and "thank you," at the appropriate times. She's loving. She's kind-hearted. She's just very comfortable with saying no. To me. To anyone.
Joelle admits that she is the complete opposite to her daughter. She doesn't like making "waves" or breaking rules, and feels a little jealous of her daughter's confidence and ability to hold her ground.
Be comfortable saying no is important, and Joelle knows this – she wishes she was more like her little girl .
"I’m a rule-follower, an obliger, someone who doesn’t want to make waves.
"I’m fine, everything’s fine. Don’t mind me. If I had a severed limb, I’d probably apologize to the paramedics for getting blood all over place.
"She is my opposite. And maybe I’m jealous. Jealous that she's so SURE of herself. Of her place and the validity of her opinions. So sure of her no.
"I wish I could always walk through the world knowing exactly what I want and telling everyone about it and then making it happen. Like she did last week when she decided to create a paper backpack. Her brother said, "that's never going to work." But that thing works. It has a lot of duct tape, but it works."
But why is her daughter's ability to say no all the time so important to Joelle?
Because her little girl will be able to "walk into the world unafraid".
"She will probably get fired from jobs because of her 'no'. She will dye her hair blue. She might drive too fast. She will definitely sing too loud. She won't 'talk like a lady' and she won't tolerate any man (or woman) telling her how things are supposed to be.
"But she will also create stuff that could never come from a woman who is afraid. She will knock down walls and ceilings and possibly entire buildings with the force of her will. She will change the world because she is not scared to say no to you.
"And I truly fear for the man who ever tells her to smile."
However, while there are plenty of people agreeing with Joelle's views, not everyone does.
"I will only say beware of too much negativity in one so young. You do not want to deal with a brassy, abrasive adult," wrote one follower.
Another said: "She is only 6.She is a child. You are the parent. She will not get her way in life always and she will need to be taught and guided as she is a child."
What are your thoughts? Do you agree with Joelle's views?